Ladbrokes Coral Brand Summit

During an intense three-month period, I played a pivotal role as the Senior Designer in a comprehensive rebranding initiative for both the Ladbrokes and Coral brands. The culmination of this transformative journey took place at the iconic Olympic Stadium in East London during a momentous brand summit. .

My responsibilities were diverse and included steering the creative direction for each brand within their designated spaces at the Olympic Stadium. Working closely with my team and printers, I not only managed the project but also translated the updated brand guidelines into tangible elements that adorned the space. The objective was to create a cohesive and immersive environment that authentically reflected the fresh visual and verbal aesthetics of Ladbrokes and Coral.

This multifaceted task aimed to highlight the redefined identities and instil a sense of unity and purpose among the attendees. On the day of the highly anticipated brand summit, I ensured the visual presentation of the decorated space aligned seamlessly with the new brand identities.

In essence, the collaborative effort spanned three months, during which I and an exceptional team of designers played a crucial role in bringing the Ladbrokes and Coral brands to life within the confines of the Olympic Stadium. The brand summit served as a milestone event, marking the successful completion of the rebranding initiative, and providing a platform to unveil the refreshed identities to a wider audience.


Chin Up | Visual Identity + Packaging Design


Coral | Design Lead - Print and Digital Design